Saturday, January 7, 2012

A renewed interest in handwriting and calligraphy?

     I received an email earlier this week from a woman I have never met.  Now how she got my email address is unknown and I guess I'll find out eventually BUT...the most important thing is she was asking about calligraphy lessons for herself and her eleven year old son.  You can bet your boots I responded with an email that would have impressed The Flash.   She now has information on our local Scribes and upcoming classes, the iampeth link, names, dates, and whatever else was in my arsenal of info. Potential new practitioners!!! YIPPEEE! 
     Perhaps this is the beginning of a renewed awareness in the importance of writing in and the beauty of calligraphy.   I for one really hope so.  Frequently news comes out of how schools are no longer teaching even basic handwriting.  The fact that a child wishes to learn at that age just amazes me.  I wish them well and hope they will contact me in the future if they have any further questions. 

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